Friday, June 29, 2007

A few comments on insane masochism.

Today, I woke up and tumbled out of my bed for the last time in the next 11 days. The following five days will be spent on the ground (albeit padded by the sleeping pad Chad so nicely decided to lend me.) and the following six days will be spent anywhere from Johnstown, PA to Texas. Why have I put two rigerous trips back to back, allowing myself no time at all to rest in between? The reasons are as follows:

1. Life is too damn short to take the physical discomfort of the body into account when making plans to make said life more interesting.

2. The chance to go on a five day canoe trip that I neither had to organize, nor motivate people to participate in may only come around once or twice in my life. Am I going to pass it up just because I'll be all achey and sore for the wedding in Texas? Hells no I'm not. Good lord.

3. "But Christina," you may say, "You have two days between camping and leaving for texas with which to recoup your strength before leaving for Texas. Why not spend it sleeping in your soft, comfortable bed?" BAH I say to you! Bah! I will not rest! I will train horsies and then visit Jacob! That is what I will do and I laugh in defiance in the face of your pragmatism! Because of what worth is mere sleep when I could instead be making headway in multiple areas of drunken debauchery and web design in Johnstown? The answer, I tell you is none.

So. Take that body! Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and you'll have to be damn strong to house this fine mind that just managed to justify a punishing two weeks with very little trouble.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good lord - I think you even convinced me on this one... You still have to almost enjoy the pain to tolerate 11 days of run-amokery, but I will enjoy your visit and shall endeavor to make it as rejuvenating a stay as possible. :)