Thursday, February 7, 2008

Orchids AKA My Recent Obsession

When my dad was alive, he constantly grew things. I find it slightly ironic that it was only through his death (however circumspectly) that the passion for growing things began to grow in me. As a sympathy gift, we received a Phaelanopsis. I sort of found myself staring at it an awful lot, and then my wonderful boyfriend Jake, who also grows orchids said they were difficult to take care of because their particular climate and light and care requirements. This of course meant that I HAD to make this thing survive and bloom more or my. pride. would. suffer. I'm sure that was not the intent of his comment, but thanks to my ridiculously competitive nature, I found myself obsessing over the plant. He lent me a few books about orchid care and growing, and between him, my natural mothering thing that I do, and the challenge the poor thing presented, I find myself completely orchid gaga.

Why do I say "poor thing?" Well, in my craze, I over-watered the plant and it grew some nice mold. I learned my lesson and re-potted it, hopefully in time. In any case, poor liddle phaela not withstanding, I am totally obsessed. I've been planning an orchidarium (I've been informed that Terrarium is to dull a word) and I'm just really excited.

My dad would be proud. He had a green thumb. I'm not sure yet whether my new botanical urges will be contained to the Orchid species (Genus? Phylum? I don't remember the hierarchy!) or whether I am destined to be concerned with all thing green, but the seeds have been planted, as it were. Wish me luck!!

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