Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Wall

There's this wall in my life right now. It is a huge monolithic white limestone wall from hell and right across it, there is the perfect name for a certain web development company. I figured last night that the best way to demolish this wall was to run into it as hard as I could, using my cranium as a nice little buffer for my body. This, unsurprisingly, yielded nothing but frustration. An on the note of frustration, let me talk a little bit about domain parkers.

First, I'll preface my comment by adding that I was not on the ball back in the late '90s when the dross of the entrepreneurial world was accumulating web real estate by the truckloads with a voracity that would put England to shame even back in her colonistic days. No, I was in high school, blissfully unaware that this group of total TOOLBAGS (albeit smart toolbags) was collecting all the names I would someday want more than my next breath and making thousands of pointless, duplicated web pages with them. They did this in order to have someone like myself--a young, innocent, optimistic, doe-eyed little business starter-- come around and buy these domain names for ridiculous, unfair, awfully high prices. To hell with you you smarter-than-me people! I dislike you!

Anyway, back to names. It just makes me shudder that such a small and seemingly insignificant thing as a name can hold up the works to something much much bigger. Maybe it's because of the pressure to find one that the wall is so high. Oh well. Maybe instead of banging my head against it, I'll start looking for handholds. That would be far more intelligent.

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