Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In other news... is freaking amazing. Oh quit rolling your eyes! Yes, yes I know that I'm way behind the social network power curve here, but I just created a delicious account and it is seriously yummy in my tummy.

It's really the best way out there to have a nice, organized list of your favorites. And what's more, you can save pages out for other people AND you can tag your favorites however you want, just like tagging blog posts so that they're easily sortable. And what's even better is that you can do all this without leaving the page you're on. I'm a total convert.

I posted Cypherstyles on delicious and within 7 minutes, 5 people had favorited the link. Considering our demographic, (the non-blog-reading, pot-smoking hip hop listening BBoy types,) that's INCREDIBLE!

If you don't already have a Delicious account, get one.

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